70% of people around the world are vaccinated.

There is no time like the present. Get the COVID-19 vaccine today!

COVID-19 facts

More than 10.9 billion shots have been administered around the world.

Covid-19 has had a profound impact on our lives. We have had to make significant changes to the way we live and work. For many of us, it has been a time of great anxiety and uncertainty – about the virus and about the vaccinations. The good news is that Covid-19 vaccines are proven to save lives. They are safe, effective and can reduce the chance of hospitalization and death by more than 90%.

If you waited to get the Covid-19 vaccination, it’s not too late.

now is the time
More than 5 billion people around the world have received a Covid-19 vaccine.
77% of Bahamians got the Covid-19 vaccine because they think it is safe. *March 2022 national survey on behalf of Templeton Religion Trust
The Covid-19 vaccination reduces the chance of hospitalization and death by more than 90%
The vaccines are proven to save lives, they are safe and effective.
More than 10.9 billion shots have been administered around the world.
Helpful Source Links
The decision to take the Covid-19 vaccine is a personal one.
These are stories of people just like you who decided to protect themselves against the virus.
Randy "Wolf" Albury
Randy "Wolf" Albury
Macumbla Smith
Trevann Thompson
Noeleha Forbes
Make an appointment
for your Covid-19 vaccination.
Get Vaccinated
It’s easy, fast, and free.


Did you miss the Ask Me Anything Covid-19 webinar expert Dr. Nikkiah Forbes, Director of the National HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Programme at the Ministry of Health and Noeleha Forbes, a healthcare professional who got vaccinated after having Covid-19?
Stronger Together

We are grateful for the support of organizations and individuals throughout our community who share the vision of the Now is the Time campaign and believe in its mission to encourage Bahamians and residents to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

Community Partners
Voices of Support

Dr. Duane Sands

Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeon, Former Member of Parliament and Minister of Health

We are enjoying a gradual reduction of Covid-19 restrictions in The Bahamas. That is a good thing to be celebrated. We should remember that Covid-19 is still present and new variants are still developing and spreading around the globe. The impact of the virus lingers across our country. Some have lost loved ones. Many of us have friends or family who are still feeling long-term effects of the coronavirus. Vaccination against Covid-19 remains an important tool.

Bishop Neil Ellis

Senior Pastor of Mount Tabor Church

The coronavirus pandemic has radically interrupted our world over the last two years. Due to the trauma inflicted by this once-in-a-hundred-year occurrence, we’ve had to endure the hardship of social distancing and separation from our loved ones. In these times, where resuming our normal lives makes it harder to keep the virus in perspective, we must continue to put our health and safety first. This can only be done with the help of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Trevann Thompson

Blog Editor and SEO Specialist

I hadn’t planned to take a Covid-19 vaccine at first. I was concerned about how quickly they’d been invented, what long-term effects they might have, and why they’d been approved for “emergency use only”. Plus, I believed I could avoid getting Covid if I was careful enough. Although it took me some time to decide, I did my own research, addressed my concerns, and made up my own mind. Like many others, my hesitancy regarding the vaccines stemmed from uncertainty…but personal experience has taught me nothing is more uncertain than Covid-19.